Help & FAQ

Last updated: 2024-02-12


Discover the best remote jobs in Canada at top remote companies that are recruiting engineers, designers, customer support, sales and marketing people. Work remotely from home or places around Canada as a digital nomad.

Posting new job listings

You can start the job creation process by going over the Job create page, where you can fill in the details of your new job posting, like required skills, location, category, description and more. You will then be able to preview your new listing, make edits if required or proceed with choosing the right pack for you and complete the payment using any of the supported payment providers.


Creating new companies

You can create, edit and delete companies within the My Companies area or you can create one on the go while creating a new job posting. Under the same page, you can update or delete any of your companies.


Updating or cancelling listing plans

You can cancel or update your plan for each listing within the Job create page. If cancelled, the job listing will be unlisted whenever the expiration date is set. If updating a plan, the current plan is getting cancelled, while a new one will be created.


Reporting a company or a listing

To report a company or its content, you can go to that company page or listing, and click on the "Report" link. Our admins will analyze and take action accordingly on time.

Got questions?

If you have any questions whatsoever, do not hesitate to send us a message via the Contact Page.